You know how you pray for something and when it appears you don't know what to do!
Like Lord is this for me? Like seriously? Something MUST be wrong with that person or the thing? Why NOW? LOL
Well, guess what, I am in that place right now.
I have prayed and prayed for the Lord to guide into the right hands.... as far as my ministries, as far as friends, as far as my careers, as far as being a good mother to Big A, and as far as one day being someone's wife.
For so long - I have been reading this same scripture over and over, " Teach me your way, O Lord; lead me in a straight path" Psalm 27:11.
But now that I am closer to my prayers being answered, I am feeling tempted to do my own thing.
Like thanks, Jesus for getting me here, but I think I should drive the rest of the way. And the Lord is like huh you are not ready to drive this mega truck!! I will continue you sit down and stop worrying your little head!! Relax yourself LOL
But is it happening, Love? I thank you in advance for your grace and your mercy.