You walk by the same unemployed or homeless person every day and never once said Hi or offer a quarter to him/her- Do you display compassion to your brothers/sisters?
A husband cheated on his wife but his wife stays with her husband and seeks restoration for their marriage. Should she be bitter towards her husband and not be compassionate even thru infidelity?
Folks you once considered, to be your friends, are now gossiping some of your personal business. Today, they have asked for your forgiveness, can you be compassionate towards them?
Recently, the Lord has placed on my heart the word compassion! Be compassionate! Show my love the way I do towards you! For years, I felt that people used my compassionate heart for being passive or a punk. I felt used for a while! I questioned why people would treat me cruel when all I did was display compassion!
But in this walk as a Christian, I am realizing that the Lord only rewards his saints and is never out to punish us. His heart is fully committed to being compassionate to his flock.
Matthew 1:41, " And Jesus, moved with compassion, put forth [his] hand, and touched him, and saith unto him, I will; be thou clean".
What a perfect example of how compassion truly works! Jesus, not only, acted quickly to the needs of his people, he touched their heart with his love but here's the best part.... He cleanse them from inside out!Hallejuah!!!
Both parties received and accepted something through having compassion! Guess what???? What?? They were cleansed of their past strongholds and healed in the name of Jesus! Hallejuah!
What a bargain to gain! A two for one deal from the Almighty God We serve! Only Jesus can convict, heal and cleanse all at the same.So the next time, you question being compassionate towards someone else who didn't exchange the same spirit, think of Jesus! Remember Matthews 1:41.