Monday, July 7, 2008

Loving myself part II

Hi everyone,

This is Big Tash just talking from my own experience. Loving yourself is not easy and we all say that phrase at times either to shut folks up after a horrible break-up, it just sounds good saying or cause you truly mean it.

For years, I would say I love myself but then engage myself in relationships with men who did not truly love me. But I would continue along with the whole notation that yeah I still love myself. I took time out to be alone, ate alone, slept alone, went to work alone....notice all the alone time which made me feel like HEY I truly love myself.

It was until I was placed in a position where I found that my ex was dating me and several other people that I found out how much I loved myself. You see one part of me wanted to be so spiteful and make his LIFE a living H but hmm here is where the love part came in.

God entered with awesome presence. He said, "I always loved you even when you didn't and you deserve better. You know I love you, right?...... but why don't you love me first? Give up that sinful life!!"

It was scary cause I always thought I love myself and trusted myself but after reviewing the several failed relationships. Inever put trust in God, I only trusted my judgement.

Pain, rejection, depression, and listening to liars.

I submitted to trusting him and only him and that's when loving myself truly happened. I looked at myself and I trust only you, Lord. Please allow me to love myself more. And it is happening. I am still single but I know God is an awesome God and he already know who's my partner is. Please holla back with your comments.

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