Saturday, November 22, 2008

Grateful Love

Grateful Love -

There are times when you think no one cares, no one sees you. Like those days when you got on shirt with holes in it, no makeup, your hair is all busted....those are the days you will see someone who you don't wanna see. Or maybe when you are testifying to the Lord pouring yourself out thinking you are alone but you open your eyes and realize that others were watching.

Do you stop being grateful?

I am selfless in my giving (my last dollar literally has been given to someone more deserving) and at times I don't know how to take a compliment. A broken past made me jaded about compliments from others. I saw it as someone being phoney or just wanting something in return. So in the beginning of my walk with Christ, I also struggled with praising and complimenting him for all he has set in my path.

I was grateful but with folks I would be like whatever man. I am grateful to God but you...hmm you got be up to something. lol

One day, I found my thank you journal which I wrote 9 years ago before being saved. And it was as if God set it up for me to write things I didn't understand at the time but to minister to me in the future. I was amazed at how Christ centered and how grateful I was. From that moment, my Holy Ghost took over and I made a promise to the Lord that everyday I would continue writing quotes/quotations to him only.

I wanted him to know how I felt about him but never never ever could I have imagined that other folks were reading it and being inspired.

Oh ok, so what if it is in the public view as a part of my signature or plastered on my facebook status. LOL

I still was in my own zone that the world was not paying attention to my walk with Christ. Although, I was doing everything to please him, I thought others were doing the same. LOL

Or at least they should be.

So every day, I would write a quote or a devotional and someone would comment on them. At first, I would get annoyed like mind your business....don't you see this is an A and B conversation with Jesus? LOL

My God is funny, he kept folks rolling in with comments where it would minister to me and it force me to study my Bible more. So I would find catchy rap quotes or songs that ministered to me some days, being lazy....those days I got few comments except Bk you got the wrong artists lol

But the ones which were original, I would get comments from folks I did not even realized was reading my quotes. There were not my close friends which we expected to have something to say. They came from folks I didn't know all that well who have been watching me from afar and needed for me to know how grateful they are. That my quotes were ministering to their spirits....keeping them!!

What do you say to someone after they give YOU praise?

Psalm 139:17-18 - How precious also are thy thought unto me, O God! how great is the sum of them! If I should count them, they are more in number than the sand: when I awake, I am still with thee.

The grateful love of the Lord Jesus Christ, how there is no sum, no sand, no nothing that can measure the gratefulness my Lord has for us all. So in my gratitude for all that he does for me or did for me.... I am grateful that he is allowing me to ministering to others. That they can see how grateful love is.

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