Saturday, October 29, 2011

UnAshamed Love

I am not ashamed of my love for you.  I am not ashamed to worship you - Unknown Author

How many times I thought just by worshiping, crying and praising God... it would display of my love for Christ and to other.   As I sang to myself I am unashamed unashamed.........was I really unashamed?

The last couple of weeks, God has released me from a place of comfort to yet again "the land of unknown".
If I go back to my past, I am aware that He has all intentions of USING my testimony to encourage others who are in a place of confusion.   Should I follow this path of righteous or the path of enemy?
I know God wants me to testify that even when I fell/got hurt/was depressed...The Lord always has my back.    I want to authentically be real....the road is scary....the road is lonely...but the road is worth it!!   I rather be a Christians over knowing that when I leave this earth I will be in living in hell.

But to be honest, I have grown accustom to my ministry, to my church membership and no this entitlements which come with being a leader.   To now, being the new kid on the block....but God knows I am no new kid and that I am ready to preach about his goodness via internet, in person, on my blog, and just unashamed!!

Who wants to start all over especially when you feel as if you have developed relationships and served faithfully as well as willingly.   But in the back of my head, I feel like I deserve to PROVE something to others.    I am really being unashamed???  Or is this just my pride or me being disobedient to God's will?   Well, it is because there is nothing I need to do but Love my neighbor and serve the Lord with my whole heart.

The Jesus I served does not have to prove anything to anyone because He is Who is He is because HE IS......So in my new journey of change in my ministry (church life) I am ready to meet new faces, talk about how wonderful the Lord has bless me and my family and continue to be that different Christian.... the young shepherd boy David.    The hidden king amongst his brothers.......I pray that Lord uses me as I am but groom me into the women of many purposes.

Please send me some encouraging thoughts and/or comments!!  As I will continue to pray for you and your family!!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

You are totally in control, Love!!

Last weekend, I went through a breakthrough.  I have heard the word breakthrough many of times in gospel songs and from pastors but I have never really understood the term.

But last weekend, I went through a BREAKTHROUGH.   I can only explain through my own experience.  But I went through a change in my soul....from feeling like I was stuck, responsible for everyone else lives, never being able to move into my dreams or my purpose and i just felt chained in the normalcy of life.     I went this freeing moment when I decided to believe what I was promised to me by the Lord Jesus Christ.

As the blind man scales fell from his eyes after Jesus touched them with were my scales of doubt, shame, depression, and lack of growth!!  I decided that it was my time and no one waiting for stuff to happen.     But once I said it to seemed like it was so simple until an hour later.....the FEAR came in.  LOL

I got so scared of leave my comfortability...what if what if settled in.     Well thank God for church!

As I entered church after 3 months hiatus.   I just wanted to be spectator, you know take my time to open up once again and to just be like everyone else.  I didn't want to be different.  

God decided to burst my bubble once again to remind me that He is in FULL control.

I watched the Pastor digest and spit out the Word to a point that I was like dang I want to be this kind of preacher one day.  The pastor was so on point that the Holy ghost fell and he started to prophetize.   At first, I was a little screwed face because I usually can spot false prophets a mile away.  But everything he towards others seemed to be towards me.  I just decided to listen....better yet I stated taking notes to cover up that fact that God was talking to me through the Pastor.   I kept hearing Walking it out.....letting go the shackles on your feet...Loose demons chains off of your feet.      I kept on writing down since it didn't seem like God was talking to me through the Pastor and then a women sitting in front of me turned around got out of her seat and walked towards me......remember I am in church....remember that the congregation is about roughly 150 people.....remember that the pastor was preaching and prophetizing.......all I remembered hearing....Hey YOU God is calling YOU to WALK now.....!!! 

I know that many of times, we Christians, do the exercise of being a good Christian.....We go to church, we read our Bibles and we might even praise or we might worship but we cannot forget that God knows our heart, our soul and HE knows US.   We cannot pretend with Him.   

I needed for God to put me in the spotlight to release those my scales that had blinded me from my future!  I needed for them to fall so I could grow.   I needed for the Lord to let me know that He has been watching me all this time.  I needed to hear from the Lord that He has always been with me and He heard my laughter and cries.  

I needed to know that my Father was in total control.

You are totally in control, Love!!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Keep on my love....loving

Recently, I have been feeling discouraged about love.  Why am I going through so much hurt and pain due to others not loving me in the same matter.   During one of my moments with God that He clearly said, " Keep on my love..loving!!

What does that MEAN? I SCREAMED? LOL  Keep on my love loving?

When I don't understand what God is trying to say I usually go to the Bible or continue to pray on the situation but The Bible says in 1 Corinthians 10:13 - Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be men of courage; be strong.  Do everything in love."

A Hard pill to swallow when someone in your inner circle does not do the same....Do everything in love.
During an mentored moment by my aunt, she said something which struck a cord in me.... Do what Christ is requiring of you and more.  God would never leave you nor forsake you.

 In my flesh, I wanted to say but He has but in His Word clearly states He wants ME to  Do Everything in Love.      

I believe that Christ exhibits love on an another level which we will never fully experience on this Earth but at least we can TRY to love unconditionally.

Today, I ask that you Do everything in love.