Thursday, December 1, 2011

Birthday Love

So today is my grandma's 82nd Birthday and I want to say so much about her and to her yet why is it so difficult?
Sometimes when we love someone so much it is hard for us to say the right things....either we forget, we are embarrassed or afraid to say what we think because we pray that the other end feels the same way about us.

I have never experienced that kind of love from my grandma...she is so selfless.  I can omit that I have not been selfless like her.   In fact, i have been    It reminds me of how I treat Jesus at times.   He keeps loving me unconditionally and we keep acting like He hasn't expressed his overwhelming love.

My grandma was my first interaction with my faith building.   I remember at 5 years old praying with her....She had a stack of prayers that she would unfold out of her address book and we would recite them together at 5:15 am every morning.  I enjoyed praying with her.   I learned how to be a prayer warrior from those early days.  It funny but she has started to read the same prayers to Alexander.

She was my first grandma worked HARD every single day...she would made a full course Sunday meals before 10 am, we would have grandma and Stacy Saturday adventures.  I love them so much because they always ended up with me getting either pizza or McDonald's.   Smiling right now because I miss those days.

 I learned that you should play hard and work hard.   Our house was always filled with people and love.   It was amazing how she would extended family for years....we share a queen size bed together and we would whisper bedtime stories and talk until we both feel asleep.

Today, I am so grateful to have my grandma....I know she is getting older and I want to appreciate every day of her life because I only have one grandma.   I love her so.   So congratulates to my grandma Vilma Theresa Roach for adding another years onto your plate.