Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Hope/Faith Love

On Sunday, I was listening to a conversation from a saint at church, who stated Hope, Jesus and her are TIED to the hip. As I was being nosey, I wondered if thought about her faith as well.
And then I also thought about myself. The word hope to me always was like saying maybe it could happen. And since I am visionary - I love dreaming and very optimistic about everything I rather say it going to happen than say I hope it happens. I know it was very individualistic. As my walk with Jesus, straighten and my faith expanded I realized that my hope is waiting on the Lord's blessing for my life. I am a mere puppet and he is the puppet master!

Used to have a list of hope or wish for my life; like I hope to have 2 to 3 more kids, to get married again, to own a better house, to get a Jaguar, to go to Africa, to travel around the world before I am 50, to see my great grandchild marry.......on and on!! A lot of hoping but when I think about my faith in Jesus. I know that he already know my list of hopes and whether or not he allows them to come to fruition is unimportant to me. Just knowing he has everything under control is exciting. I am in GOOD hands like Allstate lol

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